Market Challenges

Designed to perform in dirty, harsh, corrosive environments

We proactively leverage our creative design and savvy application expertise to provide air movement solutions that combat your most pressing operational challenges.

Heavy Industry Market


Plant personnel safety—from less than optimal internal air quality or awkward, risky maintenance and repair procedures—are top priorities.


Poor design or incorrect application not only impacts airflow performance consistency; it also wears out bearings, shafts, blades and motors and can lead to catastrophic failures.
Maximizing uptime of critical processes means improved performance and throughput, avoiding lost revenue.


Operating budgets are thin, with little resources to cover unplanned or unexpected maintenance, repair or replace costs.

  • Safety
  • Performance
  • Uptime
  • Operational Budget
personnel safety around hot molten steel

Poor design or incorrect application not only impacts airflow performance consistency; it also wears out bearings, shafts, blades and motors and can lead to catastrophic failures.

Maximizing uptime of critical processes means improved performance and throughput, avoiding lost revenue.

Operating budgets are thin, with little resources to cover unplanned or unexpected maintenance, repair or replace costs.

Market Solutions

Heavy Duty fans for tough environments

We design our fans for the heavy duty industry using design safety factors that are twice the competitive norms for critical components (e.g., props, bearings, shafts, etc.). The heavier design of our fans means they can take more abuse than lesser-designed products. In situations where lightweight fans fail (e.g., heavy dirt, high moisture, lack of maintenance).

Hartzell solutions to reduce repair and replace maintenanceHartzell solutions to maximize worker safety

The right air movement products for heavy industry applications

Hartzell designed these featured heavy duty fans to withstand tough heavy industry applications.